Kate, 2024, 148 x 98 cm, acetone transfer on drawing paper mounted on aluminium plate
The young Kate Moss in the iconic sheer dress.
The image comes from an online search for images that were taken and/or used with a specific intention.
There is an interview with Kate Mosse:
(opened 04/05/2024)
Kate Moss says in this video: "I didn't realise this dress was see-through until the picture appeared in the paper the next day. It was the flash that made it look see-through. ... Good dress, good night."
Beyoncé, 2024, 148 x 98 cm, acetone transfer on drawing paper mounted on a aluminium plate
From the article on spiegel.de: "Beyoncé and the price of butter: A "Neon" editor has shown a vivid imagination in his work. An interview with pop singer Beyoncé Knowles, which appeared in January 2010, turned out to be fictitious. The journalist began the fictitious interview with a question about the price of butter. The star's American management learnt about this after the interview was discussed in a blog. The faker was then sacked without notice."
"Neon" was a popular German magazine for young adults.
https://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/historische-fake-news-die-groessten-zeitungsenten-fotostrecke-151939.html (Article from 23.10.2017, opened on 03.05.2024)
Meghan, 2024, 148 x 98 cm, acetone transfer on drawing paper mounted on a aluminium plate
"When it comes to the construction of competition, I can't help but think of the British press's mishandling of Meghan Markle. Ever since her relationship with Prince Harry became public, she has been criticised for every little act, such as eating avocado toast, or vilified as a gold digger or would-be victim. She was repeatedly compared to her sister-in-law Kate, with the press often favouring Kate. "Kate lovingly caresses her baby bump", the Daily Mail once wrote. On Meghan, however, the newspaper asked: "Why does Meghan have to constantly touch her baby bump? Is it pride, vanity or acting?" Juxtapositions like the one from BuzzFeedNews show that Kate has been praised for her behaviour, while Meghan has been ripped apart for the same behaviour." From the article: https://www.jetzt.de/the-female-gaze/the-female-gaze-frauen-feindliche-narrative-in-boulevard-medien (Opened on 10.09.2024)